Man using BOOBS to play Taiko no Tatsujin is possibly the best thing you’ll see today.

So here’s a video of a man using boobs to play Taiko no Tatsujin. Er… we’re assuming it’s a man. Wait, does that makes us bad people? Assuming it’s a man, I mean? I mean, it could be a woman. A woman with sort of manly hands. Is THAT even a thing I can say? Oh, God, I don’t even know how to do this any more…


*deep breath*



Okay, ‘someone’ is using BOOBS to play Taiko no Tatsujin. That’s probably safer. But then we have specifically posted a video of someone using boobs to play Taiko no Tatsujin – as if that’s a perfectly okay and socially acceptable thing to do.


I guess I must find it quite funny, hence why I’m posting and sharing here – but this is ENTIRELY at odds with how I want to view myself as fine, upstanding member of society, who doesn’t think that using boobs to play Taiko No Tatsujin is an okay thing.


Maybe if I check with my Mum or Jesus – one of those guys might be able to set my moral compass straight and make me feel better about myself.


I blame Gamergate for COMPLETELY ruining what should have been a totally okay and mildly amusing thing to post about – and turning into a confusing thing that I don’t even know how to feel about any more.


Get wrecked, Gamergate.

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